Category Archives: Classics

Snoopy Is Always In Fashion


We’ve always loved Snoopy because he had attitude. He rolled his eyes at the humans and did whatever he wanted. We were precocious tots and thought he was awesome for sticking his tongue out behind Lucy’s back.

The geniuses at MetLife have figured out that just about everyone loves Snoopy and a lot of people like fashion, so maybe some of those people might buy insurance during New York Fashion Week. Yeah, a stretch, but thanks to them for their ‘Snoopy In Fashion’ runway show, featuring Project Runway‘s Laura Bennett, Jeremy Scott (off-topic: why is he not as famous as Marc Jacobs?), Heatherette, Betsey Johnson, Isaac Mizrahi and more.

By the way, if you want a taste of fab 80’s fashion featuring Snoopy, find yourself a copy of the original hardcover Snoopy In Fashion.


Snoopy In Fashion

Ghurka Sample Sale


Mark your calendars and program your Blackberry alarms! 70’s icon Ghurka is having an exclusive sample sale starting next week at Soiffer Haskin. The sale will include men’s and women’s luggage items, and a selection of watches. Pre-shop at the Ghurka website.

Ghurka Sale
317 W 33rd St @ Eighth Ave
Wednesday, Sept 5 thru Friday, Sept 7

Hermes Belt News!


For years, an Hermes shopper could buy the iconic H logo buckle and an assortment of straps separately. Then, in the dreaded 90’s, the rules changed and dictated that straps and buckles would only be sold as sets.

Well, an insider has tipped us that the dark cloud has lifted and you can once again buy single belt straps sans buckle. The latest colors are gorgeous, from the classic orange to white to bright yellow to denim. Ooh, we’re getting a bit faint. Of course, they are $350, so its unlikely we’ll be making any major purchases in the near future.


OP Moves to Wal-Mart


Good news for bargain hunters! Classic surf label Ocean Pacific has inked a deal to carry their line exclusively at Wal-Mart stores across the country. No word yet on what designs the collection will have.

Women’s Wear Daily