Category Archives: Shop Windows

What’s Black and White and Read All Over?

Rugby Window

Okay, dumb joke, but it popped into our heads when we saw the new Rugby Ralph Lauren windows on East 12th Street this afternoon. We love the glamourization of books and libraries (though we hardly read anything but magazines any more) and anything black and white is going to last you for years and years.

Outfit of the Day: Polo Ralph Lauren


Call me crazy (and you probably have), but when I see an outfit I like in a shop window, I snap a pic on my digital camera. Later, I’ll print a copy and add it to the inspiration board in my dressing room. Here’s a good one from the Polo Ralph Lauren store on Bleecker Street. I’ve got all the essential elements in storage and look forward to unleashing this on the unsuspecting public.

Remember, its LORR-en, not lorr-EN.