Category Archives: Food

Word To the Wise

Salsa Y Salsa on Seventh Avenue in Chelsea looks like a charming Mexican joint— the kind of place that’s low on decor budget but high on taste. It was totally crowded with locals last night (including photographer Christopher Makos), which may be why it took ten minutes to get seated, another ten to get a menu and another ten to order from our frantic, sweaty waiter, another ten for drinks… you get the idea.

The vegetable fajitas were fine (but only four tortillas for two people?), but the best part happened at home— waking up at 4am with the “Oh my God!”s and literally running to the bathroom. Obviously will not be returning any time soon.

Salsa Y Salsa
206 Seventh Avenue

Celebrity Sighting


Food hunk Bobby Flay (okay, he’s no supermodel, but he’s a lot easier on the eyes than Rachel Ray) walking across 23rd Street with a take-out pizza box! Of course, if its take-out pizza good enough for Bobby, its got to be good. We’ll try it this weekend and report back.