Category Archives: Music

Pope of Mope Says “Nope”


Fans of The Smiths waiting for a reunion will have to wait a little longer. Morrissey has turned down a $75 million reunion deal.


Happy Birthday, Madonna!


Looking hot as ever!

Sinead O’Connor In Person


Sinead O’Connor’s making a personal appearance tomorrow night at the Time Warner Center Borders bookstore to promote her new album Theology. No word on whether she will tear up pictues of the pope, delcare herself a lesbian, or declare herself not a lesbian.

Tuesday, June 26th @ Noon
Time Warner Center
10 Columbus Circle

Plus Deck Cassette Converter

We were closeted DJs in high school and college, putting together mix tapes for every occasion until they were toppling off the shelves. When the iPod came around, the mix tapes went buh-bye. If only we’d waited a couple of years for the new Plus Deck Cassette Converter, a nifty device that reads cassette music tapes and converts them to MP3 files.

Plus Deck Cassette Converter, $130

Edith Piaf ‘No Regrets’

Have you seen the fabulous Edith Piaf bio-pic La Vie En Rose? If not, see it now! Here’s a clip of the real Edith to pique your interest.

Erasure In Concert!


Andy Bell and Vince Clarke are performing at the McCarren Pool in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Friday, August 3. Special guests include Young Love and DJ Tommie Sunshine. Erasure puts on an amazing show with fantastic sets and costume changes. We’ve seen them four times in as many years— this will definitely be number five!

Tickets on sale now at the Irving Plaza box office 

Justin Bond & the Lost References


Famous for his role as Kiki in the stage group Kiki and Herb, entertainer Justin Bond returns with a new band and a new gimmick — a song cycle of the Carpenters’ entire Close To You album. I know, it sounds iffy, but I’m sure Justin will dazzle as usual.

Justin Bond & the Lost References
Wednesday, May 30th @ 9pm
Zipper Theater, 336 W 37th St @ Eighth Avenue

Celebrity Sighting


Cute-beyond-belief rock star Ryan Adams (no, not the Canadian Bryan Adams) walking across 23rd Street, saying something on his cell phone about “$30,000 a month!” Tight skinny jeans, t-shirt, tight leather jacket, short hair. Looked hot, in a butch dyke, L Word way, if you’re into that. Saw him with his entourage on the same block the next night.

Video Flashforward

Madonna vs. Depeche Mode. It doesn’t sound right, but it totally works, just like polka dots and stripes.

Video Flashback

What kind of world do we live in when a mega-star like Kylie Minogue, who’s mobbed by fans and at the top of the charts in nearly every country, is a virtual stranger in the United States?

She’s gay-friendly (check out this video if you need proof), she’s a total clotheshorse (notice that she’s the only one wearing clothes) and she’s a breast cancer survivor. C’mon, people! Show Kylie the love.